Mar 13, 2011

Break Through Social, Sensory, Speech Program Descriptions

(Could include Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADhD, any developmental delay or neuro issues or just quirky kids) and for parents that want the best for their children. 

Are you frustrated with your child's social skills, speech, sensory issues and behavior that keeps your child from getting his/her needs met?

Are you tired? Think you have tried everything? Or not tried the right approach yet? Are you an educated parent that will do anything it takes to help create a more compelling future for your child? It is hard work and I have been there. Help is here! In as little as 3 months your life and your child's life will be dramatically changed!

I am fortunate to have been blessed with three wonderful children, all 3 with unique needs (Asperger, Bipolar, Sensory issues). After researching, getting several degrees and many certificates, I have come up with a program that helped my children turn into the wonderful grown kids that they are today (now 19, 19, 21 years old) My program has also helped many other children and families for over 8 years!

Well, good news! My program quickly Breaks Children through Special Needs! Hi my name is Becky Blake. I am so fortunate to be doing what I love to do. I bought my school Baby Power / SUPER KIDS, 7/08, as a means to work on and distribute my ground breaking neuro scientifically based program that is literally breaking kids thru Autism and other neuro and developmental delays in 1 to 3 months. (this including getting non verbal children to talk in as little as 2 days, help children regulate their behavior, learn to become good friends, read and potty train in as little as 2 weeks and many more results. Works well for typical kids whose parents would like for them to get ahead and avoid the delays we are seeing in so many kids!

I worked in public schools since 1996 and was saddened at the lack of progress many children with special needs weren't making. I started working on a curriculum/program that works from the inside out, meaning not just looking at labels but looking at what were causing the behaviors that were leading to children to be labeled. For the past 17 years, I have been successful at getting non verbal children to talk (in as little as 2 days, but in under 2 weeks), help children learn to regulate their own behavior, help children become social butterflies, and even helped to get children potty trained. And all of these were done within 2 weeks to 3 months! Progress is seen within days of attending my program!

I am also a single parent of three great teens, 19 year old twin sons, one that had Aspergers, the other had BiPolar and a 21 year old that has sensory and food issues. So this is what motivated me to learn what I know as well as gives proof to what I do works as all three of my kids are brilliant, well adjusted and doing great!

So get ready to start living life to its fullest! Having fun! Having the family you know you always have envisioned.

PROGRAMS (Opened during school Breaks!)

The Fast Track VIP program (1 week to 1 month commitment) is for me to work with your child in your own home, your child’s school, community, doing all the work, teaching you everything I do and why, creating systems that will create dramatic results quickly, exclusively, same great program with just as great of results. I will come to you, do a Foundation Starter Session, implement a home program, which I will do daily for 1 month, as well as teach others to do, educate you on why your child is the way he/she is. Some results (not all as they are to numerous to list) your child will gain will be in social skills, language/speech, behavior, academics, potty training (if needed), and many more gains and results. You will also notice your child engaged more fully and happily in life!

The Basic Program (1 month commitment) is for you and your child to come to Seattle, WA so I can work with you and your child at my school. I will do a Foundation Starter Session with your child, create a home program, and see your child at my school (1 - 3  times) during the week for (at least) 1 month creating dramatic results within the very first few days! (Also see results from Fast Track program above)

The Maintenance Program (ongoing month to month commitment) is the “next step” program that continues personal ongoing support, activity modifications and where I continue to be involved in helping your child on the path to his/her True Potential. You can come to my school 1 - 4 times week, or we can work either long distance via technology or in person to continue making remarkable gains!
At my academy, Creating Super Kids at Baby Power, I have two preschool programs (am and pm), after academy sessions and reading and writing classes, parent education sessions (teach all I know), Foundation Starter Session to get to the root cause and learn how to best help your child (daily brings changes faster). Space is limited so sign up today!

I also rent out my fabulous place for parties, support groups and play groups! 

I also train others to do what I do. 

So act now, better your child’s life and your family's while making history!

I have been traveling internationally sharing my programs with others. I was in Fiji at the special school in Savusavu! I plan to go back. I, also plan to visit and get my program started in Singapore, Australia, Canada, and in several places in the United States.

I also travel and work with children individually in their homes and schools. This could take 2 weeks to train others or up to 4 weeks, depending on the needs of the child and family! My program has been 100% successful for the past 6 years. What do you have to lose? Your child will be a different child, the child you know he/she can be. The information is in there, I have the keys to unlock your child's TRUE POTENTIAL and am able to help your child get that information out! Help your child become the leader you know he/she is meant to be! I have tons of testimonials, if you would like to other parents whose children have gone through my program and are changed for the better! And all this happens in under 6 months!

So for parents that think they have tried everything, the question is have you tried everything at once? Because that is what I do. I work on everything, motor, coordination, speech, social, self regulation of behavior and so much more all in one program! That is one of the reasons why what I do works.I will save you tons of money in the long run, as your child only needs to come for a short period of time (2-6 months depending on abilities and amount of time spend doing program) with life changing results. I have had children go from special programs into regular education! I also share activities for you and your child to do at home, so the work is 7 days a week. The activities are simple and only take 20-30 minutes, a day, to do. Amazing for such great and quick results! My Parent (community) Education Sessions will teach you about the brain and learning, child development (relative to your child), parent education, nutrition, importance of organized movement and much more. I continue to receive comments that people after attending my classes wish everyone knew this information, wish the sessions were longer then 1 1/2 hours, and much needed knowledge that will definitely make a difference in not only their child's life but their family's life as well. Very Powerful, yet fun and engaging! Also, available to do these talks with your business, child's school or other conferences and seminars.

So call today. 425-493-5303 and set up a time to bring your child in. Email me at . Sign up today to reserve your child's spot in this life changing program.

I will be starting some telephone talks, telephone series and webinars of my work in 2011! You can go to to listen to a FREE 30 minute CD of my work and to help your child right away.

I look forward to making your life easier, more fun and fulfilling!
Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Educator
Get your child ready to learn, to laugh and ready for life!
Facebook:  AskBeckyBlake
Twitter: BeckyBlake
YouTube:  BeckyBlakeAutism
Also starting March 2011 you can go to my website to sign up for my free weekly Ezine stocked full of tips, tools and strategies to help you  help your child have a more compelling future. 

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