Frustrated w/your child's (students') Reading?
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For parents, educators, anyone that loves children
Information helps children of all ages, stages and abilities
Come and learn information that will help you view your child's behavior with new eyes and
if you have heard Becky Blake speak, you know she holds nothing back,
gives tons of information, tips, tools and strategies
you can use right away to start helping your child have a more compelling future.
Please share this with others that may also be interested in helping their children (or students) with all types of behavior.
Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Expert
Frustrated with your child's social, speech, behavior?
Do you want more energy, focus, less anxiety? for FREE CD "How to Help Your Child Right Away"
Facebook: Ask Becky Blake
FREE Tele-Class 5 Better Behavior several times a month via your telephone
Mar 23, 2011
Mar 21, 2011
Please Read First: Interview with Becky Blake
Interview with Becky Blake
Please take a moment to read this before hiring Becky.
How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a neurodevelopmental expert?
To answer this question, it's probably best that I share with you a defining moment and resulting "compelling story" that brought me to where I am today, helping people like you help your child have a more compelling future.
In 1989 I gave birth to my daughter. In 1990, I gave birth to my twin sons. When my twins were only 2 weeks old my ex-husband left. I was the type of parent that wanted my children to have the best, to be their best. I read tons of books. I went to tons of seminars. I was going to have prodigy children.
Then, in 1993, at 3 years old one of my sons was diagnosed with Static Encephalopathy, minimal brain damage, then later with Autism. I was devastated! This was before the internet! So I didn’t have the research, support and knowledge available that we have now.
Come to find out all three of my children had unique needs, including Autism,. Bipolar, sensory issues and food issues. One of my twin’s issues was that his speech wasn‘t clear. You could only understand about 20 % of what he said. We taught him sign language, and his speech improved. So I started thinking about how the brain works, how we have the ability to fix things, from the inside out. I wasn’t going to listen to the doctors, that my son was going to be this way and there was nothing to be done! A’ha. My mission in life has just been created. I was going to find a way to create more compelling futures for my children, doing whatever it would take.
I decided to go to school to become a special education teacher, to learn about the brain and learning. I didn’t learn that. I learned how to create lesson plans. I needed more. I needed to know how our wonderful brains and bodies heal themselves. I took tons of courses, went to hundreds of seminars, received degrees, certifications. And guess what? I found it. I found the commonalities, the connections. I know what is needed for our brains and bodies to heal themselves. I have the answer. That answer is my Creating Super Kids Blueprint; a 9 step program!
This program has created remarkable changes in my own children, hundreds of kids, helping hundreds of families! It takes looking at behavior differently, knowing how stress wreaks havoc’s on our systems, and knowing what to do about it. My mission is to get this information out to the world. It works, it continues to work.
I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other parents’ help their children to create more compelling futures for their children, themselves and their family’s through the use of my products, workshops, programs and VIP private consulting. Since then, I’ve worked with hundreds of private clients, spoken to countless numbers of groups and have created the Creating Super Kids Blueprint, a series of 9 important steps a parent needs to apply to get more from their children (more socializing and talking, less tantrums and stress) in record time, every time!
Who are your clients, exactly?
I work with people just like you, educated parents who are researching, wanting the best for their children, doing whatever it takes to create the most compelling futures for their children. This program works with children with and without special needs. This system has helped children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder continuum, ADD/ADHD, Downs Syndrome, anxiety disorders, children with delays in speech / language, social skills, sensory issues, motor skills, academic skills, and the list goes on.
What happens if you haven’t worked with someone with my child‘s disability or issues?
I have worked with hundreds of clients with a wide scope of issues. Most likely, I have worked with your child’s issue in one form or another. Yet, I have to share with you that if I haven’t, you are not at a disadvantage, quite to the contrary. Here’s why: our brains/bodies/nervous systems work the same way, need the same things, and respond quickly when the missing pieces are put into place and neuro systems become strong!
No matter what your child‘s label or issues, the neuro systems work the same way in most everyone. Creating Super Kids system is applicable to all types of labels, delays and issues. Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of children with a wide variety of issues. Most likely, I have worked with someone with your child‘s issue in some form.
How are you different from other people in your industry?
I bring a fresh perspective to your child’s issues and give you resources you’d never heard of in this field. Because of this, you will see remarkable results, quickly. I have been able to think outside the box. I have made significant connections many others have yet to make. I'm in the trenches with you and as a parent as well, I have been there, done that. I understand on many different levels. I am very focused on anything and everything that works. What you get with me is a no-nonsense, undiluted expertise on what works. I’ve simply become an expert at this stuff and that’s why my children, parents and families get such great results (and I throw in a healthy dose of compassion, humor and encouragement, which always helps!). I would do anything, everything I could to create more compelling futures for my children, and now for yours!
What type of personality do you work best with and what’s expected of me?
My services, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about helping their children reach their true potential. These programs were created for you to put systems in place within days, to start seeing remarkable positive changes in your child, not the minuscule (to none) results which could take years and years with more traditional programs.
I work best with educated parents who are super ready to get moving, willing to trust and do whatever it takes, and want to know exactly what steps to take, than take immediate action.
Consider what you’ll do with me to be an action learning course. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while your child achieves these incredibly exciting goals: Remarkable results, consistently and in record time.
What type of person is this program NOT going to work for?
Please know I'm very selective in who I work with and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren't suited for my programs and won't get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn't be fair to them.)
The type of person I won’t work with (without exception) is the whiner or the chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who consistently make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?
What exactly is your Creating Super Kids Blueprint™ and what does it include?
First we need to gather information and find out why your child is the way he/she is, does what he/she does, and discover which systems are weak or inefficient. You will receive a home program, that when done daily (20-40 minutes a day) creates the greatest results. Then, it means taking serious action and a no excuses approach to getting it done.
Here's what the 9-Step Creating Super Kids Blueprint helps you do:
Clearly identify your child’s strengths, weaknesses, learning style and processing time.
Develop a program with solutions that are implemented right away.
Create an easy system to track results and ensures follow up.
Understand the importance of stress, how it wreaks havoc on all our systems, what to look for when a body/brain is stressed and how to alleviate stress so change can happen more quickly.
Learn how the brain really learns and the importance of connections in order to work (learn) smarter not harder.
Learn what to truly focus on when it comes to optimizing your child’s development, finding and plugging in missing pieces to create remarkable results, quickly.
Art of Motivation teaches you how to get your child to do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it.
Experience some easy, simple, back to basic activities and nutritional tips that will create remarkable gains, quickly.
Make more time for family and friends enjoying life while creating a more compelling future for all involved!
In addition to these 9 categories, you will learn hundreds and hundreds of things to manage your child more easily, to make your time work for YOU, learning to work smarter not harder to eliminate the fears and self sabotage holding you and your child back, and set up systems for making those results you so desire.
Does this really work?
Yes! The results of my work is an approach to neurodevelopment that, over time and with your dedication, works to consistently get your child to reach his/her True Potential creating that compelling future you have always envisioned for your child. You can at view testimonials and read testimonials.
What results can I expect?
The results will thrill you! You can expect:
Decrease in tantrums, better behavior.
Increased communication / language / speech
allowing your child to learn (and care) how to be a friend to others, learn to ask for help, learn how to get his/her own needs met, become bully proof and feel great about his/herself .
Decreased isolation, increased social skills.
Decreased feeling of hopelessness and a more compelling future!
You will learn to look at your child’s behavior differently, and learn what to do about it!
You will feel more empowered, educated, become more connected, less stressed and start looking forward to your future as well as your child’s future!
Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it’s like to work with you?
Yes, I encourage you to! Please go to the Testimonials page and read all of them. See which ones you feel drawn to, either because the person has gotten the results you want to get too, or perhaps because that person is in a similar situation as yours. Then feel free to email or call me for their contacts and ask what they got from working with me and my programs. I have tons of parents wanting to share with you the amazing results their children achieved with you.
How quickly can I expect results?
Obviously, this depends on where your child is now, what you have already tried and how much you put into the assignments that I give you. That said, virtually all clients see results within the first couple of weeks, (sometimes even within days) and are done working with me in as little as 3 to 6 months.
How can I guarantee myself that I will get remarkable results, in record time?
Do all your assignments and field work. Be totally focused on Creating a Super Kid. Understand that it’s not a “quick fix,”. It’s not magic and could take up to 3 - 6 months for you to plant all the seeds and for those seeds to grow into the fruit that you and your family can enjoy. All my clients who have diligently applied every step of the Creating Super Kids Blueprint have successfully seen great gains in their children, in much less time than they would have on their own, with other traditional therapies AND have seen remarkable, lasting results.
What about my investment when it comes to working with you?
Just think of what it costs for a speech therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and all the other therapies you have heard of and maybe even tried with your child, the money spent on travel to and from appointments and the amount spent if calculating your time used to travel to appointments, seminars, to see other professionals, assessments that tell you what you already know about your child, not what is going on and what to do about it. Many families spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for little to no results. With the Creating Super Kids Blueprint, you will get results, achieve many new A’ha’s, new ways of looking at things, and activities that create changes quickly. Expect to get a lot of these as well as the resources you’ve been looking for and haven’t found until now. That’s what you’re investing in, results, in a very short period of time, a more compelling future for your child, not just more information which is priceless.
Becky, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?
Congratulations on making a decision for success! I’m happy to work with you and your child to achieve personal goals concerning your child . . .
For the past 20 years, I have worked in public and private schools as well as in families’ homes. I have opened my own school allowing me to create a very concise quick results getting system that has now worked with hundreds of families. I also travel internationally to help families and educate the public where they are at. What I offer now is a more intense program to create even better results, within 3 to 6 months, in total!
There are two avenues you can take to start working with me personally.
The Fast Track program I will travel to you to work with your child, exclusively in your own home, your child’s school, community, doing all the work, teaching you everything I do and why, creating systems that will create dramatic results quickly, exclusively, same great program with just as great of results. I will come to you, do a Super Kids Assessment, implement a home program, which I will do daily for 1 month, as well as teach others to do, educate you on why your child is the way he/she is. Some results (not all as they are too numerous to list) your child will gain will be in social skills, language/speech, behavior, academics, potty training (if needed), and many more gains and results. You will also notice your child engaged more fully and happily in life! (1 month commitment)
The Basic Program You and your child come to Seattle, WA so I can work with your child at my school. Your child will receive a Super Kids Assessment, a home program, and I will see your child at my school up to 3 times during the week (full time and school breaks extra) for (at least) 1 month. (Also see results from Fast Track program above) (3 month commitment)
The Maintenance Program is the “next step” program that continues personal ongoing support, activity modifications and where I continue to be involved in helping your child on the path to his/her True Potential. You can come to my school 1- 3 times a week, or we can work either long distance via technology or in person to continue making remarkable gains! (ongoing month to month commitment)
OK, I know which program I want. How do we get started?
Great! Did you know that one of the most prominent characteristics of successful people is that they take action? They take educated risks, are decisive, take action, and they move forward towards success faster as a direct result of this. It’s a well-known fact these people make decisions based on their gut instinct. So, that being said, since this feels right for you, then go for it.
Here's what you need to do: send an email to and I will be happy to set up a FREE "Get Acquainted Call" to answer any questions you have or schedule for you to come to my school with your family for a FREE hour of play. I can't wait to meet you and your child in person or on the phone to get you started on your path to helping your child break through his/her issues which will create the most compelling future for your child which will make a difference in your life, your child’s life and your family’s life!
I’m not quite sure I am ready to get started, how can I sample your work at a low cost so I can decide if this is right for me?
If you haven't already done so, sign up for the FREE True Potential eZine, e-newsletter for parents, consultants and service-based professionals who want to learn more about how our brains and bodies can heal themselves under the right conditions. You'll get insider tips, strategies and resources designed to get you sprinting toward personal success that is guaranteed to change your child’s life, your life, and your family‘s life. You can also go to to receive your FREE CD How To Start Helping Your Child Today.
OK, I'm ready to do this for child, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?
Good, sounds like you're ready to help your child be pulled into the future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at and I'll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you. I can't wait to see your child succeed and am honored to be the one to help you and your child. Let's get going!
As always, it is an honor to serve you!
Becky Blake
Please take a moment to read this before hiring Becky.
How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a neurodevelopmental expert?
To answer this question, it's probably best that I share with you a defining moment and resulting "compelling story" that brought me to where I am today, helping people like you help your child have a more compelling future.
In 1989 I gave birth to my daughter. In 1990, I gave birth to my twin sons. When my twins were only 2 weeks old my ex-husband left. I was the type of parent that wanted my children to have the best, to be their best. I read tons of books. I went to tons of seminars. I was going to have prodigy children.
Then, in 1993, at 3 years old one of my sons was diagnosed with Static Encephalopathy, minimal brain damage, then later with Autism. I was devastated! This was before the internet! So I didn’t have the research, support and knowledge available that we have now.
Come to find out all three of my children had unique needs, including Autism,. Bipolar, sensory issues and food issues. One of my twin’s issues was that his speech wasn‘t clear. You could only understand about 20 % of what he said. We taught him sign language, and his speech improved. So I started thinking about how the brain works, how we have the ability to fix things, from the inside out. I wasn’t going to listen to the doctors, that my son was going to be this way and there was nothing to be done! A’ha. My mission in life has just been created. I was going to find a way to create more compelling futures for my children, doing whatever it would take.
I decided to go to school to become a special education teacher, to learn about the brain and learning. I didn’t learn that. I learned how to create lesson plans. I needed more. I needed to know how our wonderful brains and bodies heal themselves. I took tons of courses, went to hundreds of seminars, received degrees, certifications. And guess what? I found it. I found the commonalities, the connections. I know what is needed for our brains and bodies to heal themselves. I have the answer. That answer is my Creating Super Kids Blueprint; a 9 step program!
This program has created remarkable changes in my own children, hundreds of kids, helping hundreds of families! It takes looking at behavior differently, knowing how stress wreaks havoc’s on our systems, and knowing what to do about it. My mission is to get this information out to the world. It works, it continues to work.
I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other parents’ help their children to create more compelling futures for their children, themselves and their family’s through the use of my products, workshops, programs and VIP private consulting. Since then, I’ve worked with hundreds of private clients, spoken to countless numbers of groups and have created the Creating Super Kids Blueprint, a series of 9 important steps a parent needs to apply to get more from their children (more socializing and talking, less tantrums and stress) in record time, every time!
Who are your clients, exactly?
I work with people just like you, educated parents who are researching, wanting the best for their children, doing whatever it takes to create the most compelling futures for their children. This program works with children with and without special needs. This system has helped children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder continuum, ADD/ADHD, Downs Syndrome, anxiety disorders, children with delays in speech / language, social skills, sensory issues, motor skills, academic skills, and the list goes on.
What happens if you haven’t worked with someone with my child‘s disability or issues?
I have worked with hundreds of clients with a wide scope of issues. Most likely, I have worked with your child’s issue in one form or another. Yet, I have to share with you that if I haven’t, you are not at a disadvantage, quite to the contrary. Here’s why: our brains/bodies/nervous systems work the same way, need the same things, and respond quickly when the missing pieces are put into place and neuro systems become strong!
No matter what your child‘s label or issues, the neuro systems work the same way in most everyone. Creating Super Kids system is applicable to all types of labels, delays and issues. Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of children with a wide variety of issues. Most likely, I have worked with someone with your child‘s issue in some form.
How are you different from other people in your industry?
I bring a fresh perspective to your child’s issues and give you resources you’d never heard of in this field. Because of this, you will see remarkable results, quickly. I have been able to think outside the box. I have made significant connections many others have yet to make. I'm in the trenches with you and as a parent as well, I have been there, done that. I understand on many different levels. I am very focused on anything and everything that works. What you get with me is a no-nonsense, undiluted expertise on what works. I’ve simply become an expert at this stuff and that’s why my children, parents and families get such great results (and I throw in a healthy dose of compassion, humor and encouragement, which always helps!). I would do anything, everything I could to create more compelling futures for my children, and now for yours!
What type of personality do you work best with and what’s expected of me?
My services, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about helping their children reach their true potential. These programs were created for you to put systems in place within days, to start seeing remarkable positive changes in your child, not the minuscule (to none) results which could take years and years with more traditional programs.
I work best with educated parents who are super ready to get moving, willing to trust and do whatever it takes, and want to know exactly what steps to take, than take immediate action.
Consider what you’ll do with me to be an action learning course. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while your child achieves these incredibly exciting goals: Remarkable results, consistently and in record time.
What type of person is this program NOT going to work for?
Please know I'm very selective in who I work with and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren't suited for my programs and won't get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn't be fair to them.)
The type of person I won’t work with (without exception) is the whiner or the chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who consistently make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?
What exactly is your Creating Super Kids Blueprint™ and what does it include?
First we need to gather information and find out why your child is the way he/she is, does what he/she does, and discover which systems are weak or inefficient. You will receive a home program, that when done daily (20-40 minutes a day) creates the greatest results. Then, it means taking serious action and a no excuses approach to getting it done.
Here's what the 9-Step Creating Super Kids Blueprint helps you do:
Clearly identify your child’s strengths, weaknesses, learning style and processing time.
Develop a program with solutions that are implemented right away.
Create an easy system to track results and ensures follow up.
Understand the importance of stress, how it wreaks havoc on all our systems, what to look for when a body/brain is stressed and how to alleviate stress so change can happen more quickly.
Learn how the brain really learns and the importance of connections in order to work (learn) smarter not harder.
Learn what to truly focus on when it comes to optimizing your child’s development, finding and plugging in missing pieces to create remarkable results, quickly.
Art of Motivation teaches you how to get your child to do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it.
Experience some easy, simple, back to basic activities and nutritional tips that will create remarkable gains, quickly.
Make more time for family and friends enjoying life while creating a more compelling future for all involved!
In addition to these 9 categories, you will learn hundreds and hundreds of things to manage your child more easily, to make your time work for YOU, learning to work smarter not harder to eliminate the fears and self sabotage holding you and your child back, and set up systems for making those results you so desire.
Does this really work?
Yes! The results of my work is an approach to neurodevelopment that, over time and with your dedication, works to consistently get your child to reach his/her True Potential creating that compelling future you have always envisioned for your child. You can at view testimonials and read testimonials.
What results can I expect?
The results will thrill you! You can expect:
Decrease in tantrums, better behavior.
Increased communication / language / speech
allowing your child to learn (and care) how to be a friend to others, learn to ask for help, learn how to get his/her own needs met, become bully proof and feel great about his/herself .
Decreased isolation, increased social skills.
Decreased feeling of hopelessness and a more compelling future!
You will learn to look at your child’s behavior differently, and learn what to do about it!
You will feel more empowered, educated, become more connected, less stressed and start looking forward to your future as well as your child’s future!
Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it’s like to work with you?
Yes, I encourage you to! Please go to the Testimonials page and read all of them. See which ones you feel drawn to, either because the person has gotten the results you want to get too, or perhaps because that person is in a similar situation as yours. Then feel free to email or call me for their contacts and ask what they got from working with me and my programs. I have tons of parents wanting to share with you the amazing results their children achieved with you.
How quickly can I expect results?
Obviously, this depends on where your child is now, what you have already tried and how much you put into the assignments that I give you. That said, virtually all clients see results within the first couple of weeks, (sometimes even within days) and are done working with me in as little as 3 to 6 months.
How can I guarantee myself that I will get remarkable results, in record time?
Do all your assignments and field work. Be totally focused on Creating a Super Kid. Understand that it’s not a “quick fix,”. It’s not magic and could take up to 3 - 6 months for you to plant all the seeds and for those seeds to grow into the fruit that you and your family can enjoy. All my clients who have diligently applied every step of the Creating Super Kids Blueprint have successfully seen great gains in their children, in much less time than they would have on their own, with other traditional therapies AND have seen remarkable, lasting results.
What about my investment when it comes to working with you?
Just think of what it costs for a speech therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and all the other therapies you have heard of and maybe even tried with your child, the money spent on travel to and from appointments and the amount spent if calculating your time used to travel to appointments, seminars, to see other professionals, assessments that tell you what you already know about your child, not what is going on and what to do about it. Many families spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for little to no results. With the Creating Super Kids Blueprint, you will get results, achieve many new A’ha’s, new ways of looking at things, and activities that create changes quickly. Expect to get a lot of these as well as the resources you’ve been looking for and haven’t found until now. That’s what you’re investing in, results, in a very short period of time, a more compelling future for your child, not just more information which is priceless.
Becky, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?
Congratulations on making a decision for success! I’m happy to work with you and your child to achieve personal goals concerning your child . . .
For the past 20 years, I have worked in public and private schools as well as in families’ homes. I have opened my own school allowing me to create a very concise quick results getting system that has now worked with hundreds of families. I also travel internationally to help families and educate the public where they are at. What I offer now is a more intense program to create even better results, within 3 to 6 months, in total!
There are two avenues you can take to start working with me personally.
The Fast Track program I will travel to you to work with your child, exclusively in your own home, your child’s school, community, doing all the work, teaching you everything I do and why, creating systems that will create dramatic results quickly, exclusively, same great program with just as great of results. I will come to you, do a Super Kids Assessment, implement a home program, which I will do daily for 1 month, as well as teach others to do, educate you on why your child is the way he/she is. Some results (not all as they are too numerous to list) your child will gain will be in social skills, language/speech, behavior, academics, potty training (if needed), and many more gains and results. You will also notice your child engaged more fully and happily in life! (1 month commitment)
The Basic Program You and your child come to Seattle, WA so I can work with your child at my school. Your child will receive a Super Kids Assessment, a home program, and I will see your child at my school up to 3 times during the week (full time and school breaks extra) for (at least) 1 month. (Also see results from Fast Track program above) (3 month commitment)
The Maintenance Program is the “next step” program that continues personal ongoing support, activity modifications and where I continue to be involved in helping your child on the path to his/her True Potential. You can come to my school 1- 3 times a week, or we can work either long distance via technology or in person to continue making remarkable gains! (ongoing month to month commitment)
OK, I know which program I want. How do we get started?
Great! Did you know that one of the most prominent characteristics of successful people is that they take action? They take educated risks, are decisive, take action, and they move forward towards success faster as a direct result of this. It’s a well-known fact these people make decisions based on their gut instinct. So, that being said, since this feels right for you, then go for it.
Here's what you need to do: send an email to and I will be happy to set up a FREE "Get Acquainted Call" to answer any questions you have or schedule for you to come to my school with your family for a FREE hour of play. I can't wait to meet you and your child in person or on the phone to get you started on your path to helping your child break through his/her issues which will create the most compelling future for your child which will make a difference in your life, your child’s life and your family’s life!
I’m not quite sure I am ready to get started, how can I sample your work at a low cost so I can decide if this is right for me?
If you haven't already done so, sign up for the FREE True Potential eZine, e-newsletter for parents, consultants and service-based professionals who want to learn more about how our brains and bodies can heal themselves under the right conditions. You'll get insider tips, strategies and resources designed to get you sprinting toward personal success that is guaranteed to change your child’s life, your life, and your family‘s life. You can also go to to receive your FREE CD How To Start Helping Your Child Today.
OK, I'm ready to do this for child, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?
Good, sounds like you're ready to help your child be pulled into the future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at and I'll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you. I can't wait to see your child succeed and am honored to be the one to help you and your child. Let's get going!
As always, it is an honor to serve you!
Becky Blake
Mar 20, 2011
Help Your Child have better social, speech, behavior (Changes your child will make after working with Becky)
Click this link to view Changes Your Child Can Make when you work with Becky Blake
Learn more about Instruction Manual: Learning, Moods, Behavior: 5 week Webinar
View some dramatic Before and After Photos
View the Academy
Learn more about Instruction Manual: Learning, Moods, Behavior: 5 week Webinar
View some dramatic Before and After Photos
View the Academy
Mar 14, 2011
Better Behavior; 5 Life Changing Keys, learn how to stop tantrums before they start, and more
"Becky!!! are absolutely amazing..As a behavior educator for years, you have taught me so much more...THANK YOU!!! I have just gained so much value, which I will be able to give to the families I work with now!!! I have posted your link on my face book... This is definitely a MUST!!! Amazing information.. THANK YOU!!! YOU ROCK!!!"posted right after my FREE Better Behavior, Stop Tantrums telephone talk.
Better Behavior; Social, Sensory, Speech = STOP TANTRUMS Forever!
F R E E Telephone Seminar
For Parents, Educators, Professionals
When: Several Times a month ( to sign up)
Where: Telephone Seminar
Go to to learn more,
• Have you been at a store and your child tantrums when he/she doesn’t get what they want?
• Does it make your life hard, make you tired, when you are trying to get your child to do or stop
doing something and they throw a major fit?
• Do you want some sure fire ways to recognize when your child is about ready to have a tantrum? Stop
them before they start?
• Do you want to be more proactive in order to help both you and your child have more fun, be less
• Would you like to learn a NEW way to look at all behavior in order to help all children of all
ages have more compelling futures and to reach their TRUE POTENTIAL?
You’ll learn how challenging behaviors and struggles can be seen as clues that reveal specific, often treatable body-system issues. Leave this presentation with the ability to view behavior with NEW EYES and with tools you can use right away. Join Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Expert, as she familiarizes you with the concept of neurodevelopment and helps you understand the role it plays in behavior and academic learning.
WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING: "Becky is a great presenter, very passionate, extremely helpful and holds nothing back!” “Becky puts together information that can be used immediately at home and at school!” “If you want to help your child go hear Becky. She is changing lives with her information!” “The info and tips are extremely helpful” “The information presented changed our family’s life for the BETTER!”
Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Expert
Frustrated with your child's social, speech, behavior?
Do you want more energy, focus, less anxiety? for your FREE CD How to Start Helping Your Child Right Now
Join me on Facebook: Ask Becky Blake
View Videos YouTube:
VIEW Life changing program
Better Behavior; Social, Sensory, Speech = STOP TANTRUMS Forever!
F R E E Telephone Seminar
For Parents, Educators, Professionals
When: Several Times a month ( to sign up)
Where: Telephone Seminar
Go to to learn more,
• Have you been at a store and your child tantrums when he/she doesn’t get what they want?
• Does it make your life hard, make you tired, when you are trying to get your child to do or stop
doing something and they throw a major fit?
• Do you want some sure fire ways to recognize when your child is about ready to have a tantrum? Stop
them before they start?
• Do you want to be more proactive in order to help both you and your child have more fun, be less
• Would you like to learn a NEW way to look at all behavior in order to help all children of all
ages have more compelling futures and to reach their TRUE POTENTIAL?
You’ll learn how challenging behaviors and struggles can be seen as clues that reveal specific, often treatable body-system issues. Leave this presentation with the ability to view behavior with NEW EYES and with tools you can use right away. Join Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Expert, as she familiarizes you with the concept of neurodevelopment and helps you understand the role it plays in behavior and academic learning.
WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING: "Becky is a great presenter, very passionate, extremely helpful and holds nothing back!” “Becky puts together information that can be used immediately at home and at school!” “If you want to help your child go hear Becky. She is changing lives with her information!” “The info and tips are extremely helpful” “The information presented changed our family’s life for the BETTER!”
Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Expert
Frustrated with your child's social, speech, behavior?
Do you want more energy, focus, less anxiety? for your FREE CD How to Start Helping Your Child Right Now
Join me on Facebook: Ask Becky Blake
View Videos YouTube:
VIEW Life changing program
Spring 2011 Class Schedule Creating Super Kids at Baby Power
Spring Programs
Super Kids Programs (2yrs-8yrs)
Class size limited,
EMAIL to schedule classes now.
CALL 425-493-5303
Call or email to schedule your FREE Get Aquainted Session, either on the phone or better yet, in person, at Creating Super Kids Academy at Baby Power which you will also get a FREE hour of play with your child. Come check us out, play, and get all your questions answered.
PRESCHOOL (3yrs-7yrs)
Tuesday - Friday
9-11:30, 12:30-3, or 9-3
Your Child will gain skills in social, speech, sensory, academics (read and potty train in 2 weeks!), while having fun in the gym; running, tumbling, climbing, sliding and jumping, in the music room; where we organize our brains and bodies with songs, stories and movement, and in the arts and crafts room; creating beautiful works of art and playing with table top toys that all have a brain/body integrating purpose! Our place is clean, safe, sensory rich and tons of fun. Children make remarkable gains quickly while playing with new friends, learning new things and becoming leaders while reaching their TRUE POTENTIAL! -
Tuesday- Friday, 9-11:30, 12:30-3 if space is available, call to reserve
Finish your shopping, run some errands, take a break while your child is having fun in our 2000 sq ft safe clean learning space. Call to schedule your child's day/time as space is limited. 425-493-5303
Foundation Starter Session: Eye Opening, Life Changing, find the root causes of problems and Learn what to do to help your child have a more compelling future and reach his/her TRUE POTENTIAL. Reserve your time slot, I will travel to you and your child anywhere in the world. Or you can come to my academy North of Seattle.
Get to the root cause of behavior, learn some activities to help strengthen the neuro areas that need to be strengthened and see results within 2 weeks!
Evening Super Kids Programs (5yrs-8yrs)
Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-6:30pm
We get the to root cause of any behavior, social or learning issue. Then we create a program that organizes the brain and body getting your child ready to truly learn. We use lots of organized movements and games and you will see positive results quickly! Tons of fun, lots of laughter!
Reading / Writing Programs (4-7yrs)
Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-5:30
Studies show that when a child learns to read, their lives improve for the better! Better self esteem, better behavior, better grades!
There is more to reading then meets the eye! We work on getting the brain and eyes ready to read, plug in missed steps and get kids reading in just one session! Get ahead. The better reader your child is the better they do in school and in life!
Parent / Child Class (8mths-2 1/2yrs) tudies show that with the right movement, music and bonding, all children will thrive and reach their true potential. This small sized class is fun, full of movement, music and laughter. Come join the fun, first class is free to see if it is a good fit for you and your child.
Open Play (1yr-7yrs)
Tuesday, Thursday (and if I have your email, I will inform you when we are opened on the weekends)
3-4:15pm (first one is free)
Come in out of the heat! Bored kids? Come and play in our beautiful, kid friendly facility! Call to reserve, only 10 kids per session.
Birthday Parties
Rent the (2000sq ft) whole space (1yrs-6yrs) reserve your time. All you have to do is show up! We do all the work, set up, clean up and help to organize games! Fun, memorable and stress free!
Becky will speak at your child's school, PTA, Support Group, Conference, Seminar or Business. Just call to arrange the date and time.
Super Kids Programs (2yrs-8yrs)
Class size limited,
EMAIL to schedule classes now.
CALL 425-493-5303
Call or email to schedule your FREE Get Aquainted Session, either on the phone or better yet, in person, at Creating Super Kids Academy at Baby Power which you will also get a FREE hour of play with your child. Come check us out, play, and get all your questions answered.
PRESCHOOL (3yrs-7yrs)
Tuesday - Friday
9-11:30, 12:30-3, or 9-3
Your Child will gain skills in social, speech, sensory, academics (read and potty train in 2 weeks!), while having fun in the gym; running, tumbling, climbing, sliding and jumping, in the music room; where we organize our brains and bodies with songs, stories and movement, and in the arts and crafts room; creating beautiful works of art and playing with table top toys that all have a brain/body integrating purpose! Our place is clean, safe, sensory rich and tons of fun. Children make remarkable gains quickly while playing with new friends, learning new things and becoming leaders while reaching their TRUE POTENTIAL! -
Tuesday- Friday, 9-11:30, 12:30-3 if space is available, call to reserve
Finish your shopping, run some errands, take a break while your child is having fun in our 2000 sq ft safe clean learning space. Call to schedule your child's day/time as space is limited. 425-493-5303
Foundation Starter Session: Eye Opening, Life Changing, find the root causes of problems and Learn what to do to help your child have a more compelling future and reach his/her TRUE POTENTIAL. Reserve your time slot, I will travel to you and your child anywhere in the world. Or you can come to my academy North of Seattle.
Get to the root cause of behavior, learn some activities to help strengthen the neuro areas that need to be strengthened and see results within 2 weeks!
Evening Super Kids Programs (5yrs-8yrs)
Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-6:30pm
We get the to root cause of any behavior, social or learning issue. Then we create a program that organizes the brain and body getting your child ready to truly learn. We use lots of organized movements and games and you will see positive results quickly! Tons of fun, lots of laughter!
Reading / Writing Programs (4-7yrs)
Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-5:30
Studies show that when a child learns to read, their lives improve for the better! Better self esteem, better behavior, better grades!
There is more to reading then meets the eye! We work on getting the brain and eyes ready to read, plug in missed steps and get kids reading in just one session! Get ahead. The better reader your child is the better they do in school and in life!
Parent / Child Class (8mths-2 1/2yrs) tudies show that with the right movement, music and bonding, all children will thrive and reach their true potential. This small sized class is fun, full of movement, music and laughter. Come join the fun, first class is free to see if it is a good fit for you and your child.
Open Play (1yr-7yrs)
Tuesday, Thursday (and if I have your email, I will inform you when we are opened on the weekends)
3-4:15pm (first one is free)
Come in out of the heat! Bored kids? Come and play in our beautiful, kid friendly facility! Call to reserve, only 10 kids per session.
Birthday Parties
Rent the (2000sq ft) whole space (1yrs-6yrs) reserve your time. All you have to do is show up! We do all the work, set up, clean up and help to organize games! Fun, memorable and stress free!
Becky will speak at your child's school, PTA, Support Group, Conference, Seminar or Business. Just call to arrange the date and time.
Mar 13, 2011
425-493-5303 to contact
To contact Becky Blake it is best to email:
You can set up a screening for your child.
I will come to you, anywhere in the world!
I work with families, schools, organizations, teaching them to learn how to look at behavior differently and to get to the root cause of delays and disorders and what to do with the new information they have.
I look forward to working with you.
FaceBook: Ask Becky Blake
Twitter: Becky Blake
FREE 30 min CD:
Phone Number: 425-493-5303
You can set up a screening for your child.
I will come to you, anywhere in the world!
I work with families, schools, organizations, teaching them to learn how to look at behavior differently and to get to the root cause of delays and disorders and what to do with the new information they have.
I look forward to working with you.
FaceBook: Ask Becky Blake
Twitter: Becky Blake
FREE 30 min CD:
Phone Number: 425-493-5303
Break Through Social, Sensory, Speech Program Descriptions
(Could include Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADhD, any developmental delay or neuro issues or just quirky kids) and for parents that want the best for their children.
Are you frustrated with your child's social skills, speech, sensory issues and behavior that keeps your child from getting his/her needs met?
Are you tired? Think you have tried everything? Or not tried the right approach yet? Are you an educated parent that will do anything it takes to help create a more compelling future for your child? It is hard work and I have been there. Help is here! In as little as 3 months your life and your child's life will be dramatically changed!
I am fortunate to have been blessed with three wonderful children, all 3 with unique needs (Asperger, Bipolar, Sensory issues). After researching, getting several degrees and many certificates, I have come up with a program that helped my children turn into the wonderful grown kids that they are today (now 19, 19, 21 years old) My program has also helped many other children and families for over 8 years!
Well, good news! My program quickly Breaks Children through Special Needs! Hi my name is Becky Blake. I am so fortunate to be doing what I love to do. I bought my school Baby Power / SUPER KIDS, 7/08, as a means to work on and distribute my ground breaking neuro scientifically based program that is literally breaking kids thru Autism and other neuro and developmental delays in 1 to 3 months. (this including getting non verbal children to talk in as little as 2 days, help children regulate their behavior, learn to become good friends, read and potty train in as little as 2 weeks and many more results. Works well for typical kids whose parents would like for them to get ahead and avoid the delays we are seeing in so many kids!
I worked in public schools since 1996 and was saddened at the lack of progress many children with special needs weren't making. I started working on a curriculum/program that works from the inside out, meaning not just looking at labels but looking at what were causing the behaviors that were leading to children to be labeled. For the past 17 years, I have been successful at getting non verbal children to talk (in as little as 2 days, but in under 2 weeks), help children learn to regulate their own behavior, help children become social butterflies, and even helped to get children potty trained. And all of these were done within 2 weeks to 3 months! Progress is seen within days of attending my program!
I am also a single parent of three great teens, 19 year old twin sons, one that had Aspergers, the other had BiPolar and a 21 year old that has sensory and food issues. So this is what motivated me to learn what I know as well as gives proof to what I do works as all three of my kids are brilliant, well adjusted and doing great!
So get ready to start living life to its fullest! Having fun! Having the family you know you always have envisioned.
PROGRAMS (Opened during school Breaks!)
The Fast Track VIP program (1 week to 1 month commitment) is for me to work with your child in your own home, your child’s school, community, doing all the work, teaching you everything I do and why, creating systems that will create dramatic results quickly, exclusively, same great program with just as great of results. I will come to you, do a Foundation Starter Session, implement a home program, which I will do daily for 1 month, as well as teach others to do, educate you on why your child is the way he/she is. Some results (not all as they are to numerous to list) your child will gain will be in social skills, language/speech, behavior, academics, potty training (if needed), and many more gains and results. You will also notice your child engaged more fully and happily in life!
The Basic Program (1 month commitment) is for you and your child to come to Seattle, WA so I can work with you and your child at my school. I will do a Foundation Starter Session with your child, create a home program, and see your child at my school (1 - 3 times) during the week for (at least) 1 month creating dramatic results within the very first few days! (Also see results from Fast Track program above)
The Maintenance Program (ongoing month to month commitment) is the “next step” program that continues personal ongoing support, activity modifications and where I continue to be involved in helping your child on the path to his/her True Potential. You can come to my school 1 - 4 times week, or we can work either long distance via technology or in person to continue making remarkable gains!
At my academy, Creating Super Kids at Baby Power, I have two preschool programs (am and pm), after academy sessions and reading and writing classes, parent education sessions (teach all I know), Foundation Starter Session to get to the root cause and learn how to best help your child (daily brings changes faster). Space is limited so sign up today!
I also rent out my fabulous place for parties, support groups and play groups!
I also train others to do what I do.
So act now, better your child’s life and your family's while making history!
I have been traveling internationally sharing my programs with others. I was in Fiji at the special school in Savusavu! I plan to go back. I, also plan to visit and get my program started in Singapore, Australia, Canada, and in several places in the United States.
I also travel and work with children individually in their homes and schools. This could take 2 weeks to train others or up to 4 weeks, depending on the needs of the child and family! My program has been 100% successful for the past 6 years. What do you have to lose? Your child will be a different child, the child you know he/she can be. The information is in there, I have the keys to unlock your child's TRUE POTENTIAL and am able to help your child get that information out! Help your child become the leader you know he/she is meant to be! I have tons of testimonials, if you would like to other parents whose children have gone through my program and are changed for the better! And all this happens in under 6 months!
So for parents that think they have tried everything, the question is have you tried everything at once? Because that is what I do. I work on everything, motor, coordination, speech, social, self regulation of behavior and so much more all in one program! That is one of the reasons why what I do works.I will save you tons of money in the long run, as your child only needs to come for a short period of time (2-6 months depending on abilities and amount of time spend doing program) with life changing results. I have had children go from special programs into regular education! I also share activities for you and your child to do at home, so the work is 7 days a week. The activities are simple and only take 20-30 minutes, a day, to do. Amazing for such great and quick results! My Parent (community) Education Sessions will teach you about the brain and learning, child development (relative to your child), parent education, nutrition, importance of organized movement and much more. I continue to receive comments that people after attending my classes wish everyone knew this information, wish the sessions were longer then 1 1/2 hours, and much needed knowledge that will definitely make a difference in not only their child's life but their family's life as well. Very Powerful, yet fun and engaging! Also, available to do these talks with your business, child's school or other conferences and seminars.
So call today. 425-493-5303 and set up a time to bring your child in. Email me at . Sign up today to reserve your child's spot in this life changing program.
I will be starting some telephone talks, telephone series and webinars of my work in 2011! You can go to to listen to a FREE 30 minute CD of my work and to help your child right away.
I look forward to making your life easier, more fun and fulfilling!
Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Educator
Get your child ready to learn, to laugh and ready for life!
Facebook: AskBeckyBlake
Twitter: BeckyBlake
YouTube: BeckyBlakeAutism
Also starting March 2011 you can go to my website to sign up for my free weekly Ezine stocked full of tips, tools and strategies to help you help your child have a more compelling future.
Are you frustrated with your child's social skills, speech, sensory issues and behavior that keeps your child from getting his/her needs met?
Are you tired? Think you have tried everything? Or not tried the right approach yet? Are you an educated parent that will do anything it takes to help create a more compelling future for your child? It is hard work and I have been there. Help is here! In as little as 3 months your life and your child's life will be dramatically changed!
I am fortunate to have been blessed with three wonderful children, all 3 with unique needs (Asperger, Bipolar, Sensory issues). After researching, getting several degrees and many certificates, I have come up with a program that helped my children turn into the wonderful grown kids that they are today (now 19, 19, 21 years old) My program has also helped many other children and families for over 8 years!
Well, good news! My program quickly Breaks Children through Special Needs! Hi my name is Becky Blake. I am so fortunate to be doing what I love to do. I bought my school Baby Power / SUPER KIDS, 7/08, as a means to work on and distribute my ground breaking neuro scientifically based program that is literally breaking kids thru Autism and other neuro and developmental delays in 1 to 3 months. (this including getting non verbal children to talk in as little as 2 days, help children regulate their behavior, learn to become good friends, read and potty train in as little as 2 weeks and many more results. Works well for typical kids whose parents would like for them to get ahead and avoid the delays we are seeing in so many kids!
I worked in public schools since 1996 and was saddened at the lack of progress many children with special needs weren't making. I started working on a curriculum/program that works from the inside out, meaning not just looking at labels but looking at what were causing the behaviors that were leading to children to be labeled. For the past 17 years, I have been successful at getting non verbal children to talk (in as little as 2 days, but in under 2 weeks), help children learn to regulate their own behavior, help children become social butterflies, and even helped to get children potty trained. And all of these were done within 2 weeks to 3 months! Progress is seen within days of attending my program!
I am also a single parent of three great teens, 19 year old twin sons, one that had Aspergers, the other had BiPolar and a 21 year old that has sensory and food issues. So this is what motivated me to learn what I know as well as gives proof to what I do works as all three of my kids are brilliant, well adjusted and doing great!
So get ready to start living life to its fullest! Having fun! Having the family you know you always have envisioned.
PROGRAMS (Opened during school Breaks!)
The Fast Track VIP program (1 week to 1 month commitment) is for me to work with your child in your own home, your child’s school, community, doing all the work, teaching you everything I do and why, creating systems that will create dramatic results quickly, exclusively, same great program with just as great of results. I will come to you, do a Foundation Starter Session, implement a home program, which I will do daily for 1 month, as well as teach others to do, educate you on why your child is the way he/she is. Some results (not all as they are to numerous to list) your child will gain will be in social skills, language/speech, behavior, academics, potty training (if needed), and many more gains and results. You will also notice your child engaged more fully and happily in life!
The Basic Program (1 month commitment) is for you and your child to come to Seattle, WA so I can work with you and your child at my school. I will do a Foundation Starter Session with your child, create a home program, and see your child at my school (1 - 3 times) during the week for (at least) 1 month creating dramatic results within the very first few days! (Also see results from Fast Track program above)
The Maintenance Program (ongoing month to month commitment) is the “next step” program that continues personal ongoing support, activity modifications and where I continue to be involved in helping your child on the path to his/her True Potential. You can come to my school 1 - 4 times week, or we can work either long distance via technology or in person to continue making remarkable gains!
At my academy, Creating Super Kids at Baby Power, I have two preschool programs (am and pm), after academy sessions and reading and writing classes, parent education sessions (teach all I know), Foundation Starter Session to get to the root cause and learn how to best help your child (daily brings changes faster). Space is limited so sign up today!
I also rent out my fabulous place for parties, support groups and play groups!
I also train others to do what I do.
So act now, better your child’s life and your family's while making history!
I have been traveling internationally sharing my programs with others. I was in Fiji at the special school in Savusavu! I plan to go back. I, also plan to visit and get my program started in Singapore, Australia, Canada, and in several places in the United States.
I also travel and work with children individually in their homes and schools. This could take 2 weeks to train others or up to 4 weeks, depending on the needs of the child and family! My program has been 100% successful for the past 6 years. What do you have to lose? Your child will be a different child, the child you know he/she can be. The information is in there, I have the keys to unlock your child's TRUE POTENTIAL and am able to help your child get that information out! Help your child become the leader you know he/she is meant to be! I have tons of testimonials, if you would like to other parents whose children have gone through my program and are changed for the better! And all this happens in under 6 months!
So for parents that think they have tried everything, the question is have you tried everything at once? Because that is what I do. I work on everything, motor, coordination, speech, social, self regulation of behavior and so much more all in one program! That is one of the reasons why what I do works.I will save you tons of money in the long run, as your child only needs to come for a short period of time (2-6 months depending on abilities and amount of time spend doing program) with life changing results. I have had children go from special programs into regular education! I also share activities for you and your child to do at home, so the work is 7 days a week. The activities are simple and only take 20-30 minutes, a day, to do. Amazing for such great and quick results! My Parent (community) Education Sessions will teach you about the brain and learning, child development (relative to your child), parent education, nutrition, importance of organized movement and much more. I continue to receive comments that people after attending my classes wish everyone knew this information, wish the sessions were longer then 1 1/2 hours, and much needed knowledge that will definitely make a difference in not only their child's life but their family's life as well. Very Powerful, yet fun and engaging! Also, available to do these talks with your business, child's school or other conferences and seminars.
So call today. 425-493-5303 and set up a time to bring your child in. Email me at . Sign up today to reserve your child's spot in this life changing program.
I will be starting some telephone talks, telephone series and webinars of my work in 2011! You can go to to listen to a FREE 30 minute CD of my work and to help your child right away.
I look forward to making your life easier, more fun and fulfilling!
Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Educator
Get your child ready to learn, to laugh and ready for life!
Facebook: AskBeckyBlake
Twitter: BeckyBlake
YouTube: BeckyBlakeAutism
Also starting March 2011 you can go to my website to sign up for my free weekly Ezine stocked full of tips, tools and strategies to help you help your child have a more compelling future.
Click here to Hear Radio Interview, video I sent to Oprah and other videos of testimonials, program descriptions, view before and after photos
To hear a 30 minute CD to start hehelping your child right now!
To see the video I sent to Oprah which features SUPER KIDS school, hear more about my life changing program, click here
Click here to watch FREE videos including testimonials, program descriptions and more.
Click here to view before and after photos of Miracles in under 3 months!
To see the video I sent to Oprah which features SUPER KIDS school, hear more about my life changing program, click here
Click here to watch FREE videos including testimonials, program descriptions and more.
Click here to view before and after photos of Miracles in under 3 months!
Mar 12, 2011
Creating Super Kids Academy North of Seattle, WA But Becky Blake, Neurodevelopmental Expert will travel to you, anywhere in the world!
Click here to see pictures of my beautiful, kid friendly, 2000 square feet of sensory rich fun, Academy.
Facebook: AskBeckyBlake
Twitter: BeckyBlake
YouTube: BeckyBlakeAutism
Facebook: AskBeckyBlake
Twitter: BeckyBlake
YouTube: BeckyBlakeAutism
Mar 3, 2011
ARTICLE Special Needs Kids Find Hope at Super Kids Social Sensory Center ARTICLE
Special needs kids find hope at at Baby Power
Everett Herald
By Kristi O"Harran
August 24, 2009
Snohomish County is dotted with organizations, medical professionals, support groups, teachers, therapists and clubs that aim to help children with special needs.
Whether it's a highly publicized agency or a heartwarming group that offers a monthly dance for the disabled, all serve their clients.
In a small corner of an Everett strip mall, Becky Blake works with children with autism and challenging neurological conditions, aiming to improve their lives.
She has supporters who believe her methods are working for their children.
Baby Power Super Kids, 607 SE Everett Mall Way, is a learning place for all children, but Blake's focus is on children with special needs.
Autism is a complex developmental disability, according to the Autism Society of America, that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects the ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is a “spectrum disorder” that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees.
Blake has a bachelor's degree in human services and an associate degree in special education. She became a certified screener and intern through the HANDLE (Holistic Approach to Neurodevelopment and Learning Efficiencies) Institute in Seattle.
Blake applied techniques in her own home with her son who has Asperger's syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism, and said HANDLE ideas were successful with her child.
Through the HANDLE Institute, she learned about the brain, learning, nutrition, organized movement and parenting. She has a child who is bipolar, and her daughter has sensory issues.
She helped her three children achieve all they could, Blake said. She shares what she learned with anyone who will listen.
Blake plans to speak about her program at 7 tonight at ARC of Snohomish County, 2500 Hewitt Ave., Suite 300, in Everett. For more information about her Everett program, call 425-493-5303.
Lisa Nielsen, who lives in Stanwood, met Blake at ARC a year ago.
“I knew when the meeting ran over an hour past the scheduled time she would be able to help my daughter,” Nielsen said. “I have a daughter with bipolar, autism and anxiety and have been through many different therapies and treatments that have not produced near the results that have transpired since working with Becky.”
Mariah, 7, spent two hours a week with Blake, plus summer camp.
“I have noticed Mariah is much more aware of her body and tells me when she needs help,” Nielsen said. “We have learned a lot about how Mariah perceives the world and what can help her. The relationship Becky has with the kids is amazing.”
Eloise Reinders of Everett said her son was diagnosed with autism. He began Blake's program in December when he was 4. He was also in a pre-kindergarten program through a school district, but Reinders wanted more, she said.
“Becky was a shocking answer to prayer,” Reinders said. “We immediately saw results when we put him in her program in increased speech, increased social interaction. And the most clear was his ability to bring his focus in so well that he learned to navigate his bike. The bike was pivotal for us because his right and left brain were finally working together, as we saw in his steering skills, something he had none of prior to Baby Power.”
The Reinders family wanted to give their son as much help as possible in his early, most impressionable years, she said.
“The environment Becky provides is well thought out. Her style and curriculum makes the children want to learn, to heal and take care of themselves. She is an educator for not only the kids but the parents that care for them.”
Blake gives Serena Roycroft hope for Roycroft's son, Alex, who is 5. The Lynnwood family used to say Alex was nonverbal.
Now they say the youngster has limited language.
“After the first four days of going to Becky's program, he said four new words,” Roycroft said. “Amazing. He has started looking me in the eye and saying three- and four-word sentences to get his needs met. This might not seem like a huge thing to most people, but this is coming from a child who would scream the house down all day long, and now he is actually talking.”
Blake understands parents, Reinders said, and makes sure they are all on the same treatment team.
Blake, who calls herself a neurodevelopmental educator, said through 20 years of study, she has learned techniques for issues that cause delays and dysfunctions. She will soon share her techniques on a Web site, and she is writing books.
“I have information to share and I love to share,” she said. “I love to speak at PTAs, schools and classrooms where I can share great information in order to help more families.”
Kristi O'Harran: 425-339-3451,
Hear her tonight
Everett Herald
By Kristi O"Harran
August 24, 2009
Snohomish County is dotted with organizations, medical professionals, support groups, teachers, therapists and clubs that aim to help children with special needs.
Whether it's a highly publicized agency or a heartwarming group that offers a monthly dance for the disabled, all serve their clients.
In a small corner of an Everett strip mall, Becky Blake works with children with autism and challenging neurological conditions, aiming to improve their lives.
She has supporters who believe her methods are working for their children.
Baby Power Super Kids, 607 SE Everett Mall Way, is a learning place for all children, but Blake's focus is on children with special needs.
Autism is a complex developmental disability, according to the Autism Society of America, that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects the ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is a “spectrum disorder” that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees.
Blake has a bachelor's degree in human services and an associate degree in special education. She became a certified screener and intern through the HANDLE (Holistic Approach to Neurodevelopment and Learning Efficiencies) Institute in Seattle.
Blake applied techniques in her own home with her son who has Asperger's syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism, and said HANDLE ideas were successful with her child.
Through the HANDLE Institute, she learned about the brain, learning, nutrition, organized movement and parenting. She has a child who is bipolar, and her daughter has sensory issues.
She helped her three children achieve all they could, Blake said. She shares what she learned with anyone who will listen.
Blake plans to speak about her program at 7 tonight at ARC of Snohomish County, 2500 Hewitt Ave., Suite 300, in Everett. For more information about her Everett program, call 425-493-5303.
Lisa Nielsen, who lives in Stanwood, met Blake at ARC a year ago.
“I knew when the meeting ran over an hour past the scheduled time she would be able to help my daughter,” Nielsen said. “I have a daughter with bipolar, autism and anxiety and have been through many different therapies and treatments that have not produced near the results that have transpired since working with Becky.”
Mariah, 7, spent two hours a week with Blake, plus summer camp.
“I have noticed Mariah is much more aware of her body and tells me when she needs help,” Nielsen said. “We have learned a lot about how Mariah perceives the world and what can help her. The relationship Becky has with the kids is amazing.”
Eloise Reinders of Everett said her son was diagnosed with autism. He began Blake's program in December when he was 4. He was also in a pre-kindergarten program through a school district, but Reinders wanted more, she said.
“Becky was a shocking answer to prayer,” Reinders said. “We immediately saw results when we put him in her program in increased speech, increased social interaction. And the most clear was his ability to bring his focus in so well that he learned to navigate his bike. The bike was pivotal for us because his right and left brain were finally working together, as we saw in his steering skills, something he had none of prior to Baby Power.”
The Reinders family wanted to give their son as much help as possible in his early, most impressionable years, she said.
“The environment Becky provides is well thought out. Her style and curriculum makes the children want to learn, to heal and take care of themselves. She is an educator for not only the kids but the parents that care for them.”
Blake gives Serena Roycroft hope for Roycroft's son, Alex, who is 5. The Lynnwood family used to say Alex was nonverbal.
Now they say the youngster has limited language.
“After the first four days of going to Becky's program, he said four new words,” Roycroft said. “Amazing. He has started looking me in the eye and saying three- and four-word sentences to get his needs met. This might not seem like a huge thing to most people, but this is coming from a child who would scream the house down all day long, and now he is actually talking.”
Blake understands parents, Reinders said, and makes sure they are all on the same treatment team.
Blake, who calls herself a neurodevelopmental educator, said through 20 years of study, she has learned techniques for issues that cause delays and dysfunctions. She will soon share her techniques on a Web site, and she is writing books.
“I have information to share and I love to share,” she said. “I love to speak at PTAs, schools and classrooms where I can share great information in order to help more families.”
Kristi O'Harran: 425-339-3451,
Hear her tonight
Mar 2, 2011
ARTICLE: Life Changing events help to create powerful program!
From Anthony Robbins Foundation Newsletter
Following a life altering divorce Becky, an Anthony Robbins Foundation advocate, found herself a single mother of three special needs children. Though in a difficult situation she was determined to be the best parent she could possibly be. The obstacles she faced did not deter her from chasing her dreams. Instead she devoured Tony’s books, attended Unleash the Power Within and made a decision that would change countless lives.
Although she loved her work in the public school system, Becky wanted to make more of an impact on the lives of her students. So she made the decision to leave the security of her job and opened her own school for children with special needs. It took a lot of courage and personal sacrifice but she found that her own past struggles acted as a catalyst pushing her to realize her dream.
"Baby Power Super Kids" in Everett, WA offers classes for both special needs children and their parents focusing on a wide variety of lessons including: parenting education, child development, after school tutoring, nutrition, and more. This "program is pulling kids out of Autism and other special needs in 2 weeks to 6 months time" utilizing the tools Becky learned from Tony. Her passion has created a safe place for the families where they can learn the tools for success in a comfortable, understanding environment! Today hundreds of families benefit from the selfless work of one woman who had a dream and wanted to GIVE BACK. "My life is about contribution," Becky shares. "My life would not be where it is now without Tony’s teachings."
Article can be found at:
Following a life altering divorce Becky, an Anthony Robbins Foundation advocate, found herself a single mother of three special needs children. Though in a difficult situation she was determined to be the best parent she could possibly be. The obstacles she faced did not deter her from chasing her dreams. Instead she devoured Tony’s books, attended Unleash the Power Within and made a decision that would change countless lives.
Although she loved her work in the public school system, Becky wanted to make more of an impact on the lives of her students. So she made the decision to leave the security of her job and opened her own school for children with special needs. It took a lot of courage and personal sacrifice but she found that her own past struggles acted as a catalyst pushing her to realize her dream.
"Baby Power Super Kids" in Everett, WA offers classes for both special needs children and their parents focusing on a wide variety of lessons including: parenting education, child development, after school tutoring, nutrition, and more. This "program is pulling kids out of Autism and other special needs in 2 weeks to 6 months time" utilizing the tools Becky learned from Tony. Her passion has created a safe place for the families where they can learn the tools for success in a comfortable, understanding environment! Today hundreds of families benefit from the selfless work of one woman who had a dream and wanted to GIVE BACK. "My life is about contribution," Becky shares. "My life would not be where it is now without Tony’s teachings."
Article can be found at:
Mar 1, 2011
ARTICLE Woman Offers Classes for Children with Brain Disorders
Woman Offers Classes for Children with Brain Disorders
(Neuro, Developmental, Motor, Language and Social Delays)
Everett Herald,
July 9, 2008
by Conor Glassey
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Becky Blake took that saying to heart when she recently purchased Baby Power Forever-Kids in south Everett (607 SE Everett Mall Way), (a Movement Learning Center) offering exercise, science, cooking and sign language classes for young children and a holistic approach to treating children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism Blake knows, however, that there are “huge skeptics” to this type of approach. The Autism Society of America recognizes that there is no known cure for autism and, while it does not specifically reject using a holistic approach, it does not mention it as a possible treatment option and only mentions similar options, such as art and animal therapy as “complementary approaches.”
After working in Seattle public schools for the past six years, Blake became increasingly frustrated that she wasn’t able to implement the curriculum and activities she felt would be most effective. Blake believes in taking a holistic approach when working with children that are developmentally delayed. “These kids are so brilliant and they get put in a system that’s dumbed down and then they get bored,: Blake said. “And then they wonder why they start having behavior problems—it’s because they’re bored.”
Baby Power is a franchise and not all offer a holistic approach. “When I was looking at the curriculum, I realized they have a lot of the same ideals, they
just don’t know why they’re doing them,” Blake said. Blake earned an associate degree in early childhood development and special education from Shoreline Community College. She, then, transferred to Western Washington University and completed a year of teacher training before switching her focus to human services. Now, she’s working on her master’s degree in education.
But her drive to help children with autism and other neurological disorders isn't just a new business venture. It’s also personal. Her 17-year-old son is autistic. “Everything I know is because I wanted the best for him,” Blake said. “I always hated when doctors said he would always be like this, so I started looking for a holistic approach.” That search led her to The HANDLE Institute, an organization started in Seattle that provides an alternative place for diagnosis and care of neurodevelopmental disorders. HANDLE stands for a Holistic Approach to Neuro-
Developement and Learning Efficiency. Blake is also certified HANDLE screener and parent educator.
Part of Blake’s holistic approach centers around working out the children’s vestibular system. The vestibular system is the system in the inner ear that controls our balance and equilibrium. Like muscles, the system can be strengthened by using it frequently and Blake believes the vestibular system is the foundation for other system in the body.
Blake sees a correlation between typical childrens’ activities and the rise in autism rates. “We used to go outside and play kick the can and tag and ride bikes,” Blake said. “So, we used to work out all the time. Now, kids are sitting in front of a computer or watching TV.” This is why Baby Power Forever-Kids is filled with playground equipment, tumbling mats, balls to jump in, tubes to climb through, rocking horses, hula hoops, a basketball hoop and more. Children play on the equipment, participate in stories, sing songs, pop bubbles, play musical instruments, draw or play with clay.
But this isn’t just typical place for children to run around and go wild. “Everything we do here has a purpose,” Blake said. “You can pick anything out and I can tell you the neurological reason for why it’s here and what we do with it.” Even something as simple as having the children drink water through a straw has a purpose. Blake said drinking through a straw helps develop children’s sphincter muscles throughout their body—which can help with digestion, potty training and the eye muscles needed for reading.
Blake’s program is just getting off the ground. Many of her customers come from outside Snohomish County, partly, because Blake used to work in the Seattle School District and some of her customers have followed her on her new career path.
Sabra Hernandez brings her son Gabriel up from Northgate—sometimes twice a day—to spend time with Blake. Gabriel has Fragile X Syndrome and working with Blake for the past two years has helped him progress, Hernandez said. “What I like best is that she has a highly-trained background in neural sciences,” Hernandez said of Blake. “She’s constantly helping their brains and she’s always so open to questions and is just a lovely person.”
Jody Copeland heard about Blake’s program on a message board for parents that have children with sensory processing disorder. Copeland’s son, Shae, is 3 years old and has been diagnosed with the condition. “We live in Marysville, but this was just what we were looking for for him in the summer, between schools,” Copeland said. “It’s a good place to play and have fun, but learn at the same time.”
Gloria Kruzner came up from Seattle for the session with her sons, Andrew, 4, and Charlie, 2. “We just think Becky is so warm and engaging and she’s really tuned in to every child's needs.” Kruzner said. “She’s worked with Andrew for about even months and he just seems much calmer and more in tune with the world around him, which is nice.” Andrew spent part of the day putting his imagination to use while playing with Play-Doh. “I’m making a good salad,” Andrew said as he swirled all the colors into a large ball. “I already have strawberry, lemon and orange—now I have coconut.” He added the white clay to his ball and looked for more colors to add. His salad took an interesting twist when he found brown and dark green. “There’s some chocolate and broccoli,” he said as Blake handed him back the ball of orange clay. “You made a fantastic orange and here is a potato.”
So far, Blake is enjoying the career change. “I love the kids,” Blake said. “It’s just wonderful to watch the changes and to see how much easier the parents lives become. It’s definitely very rewarding.” Blake hopes that what she’s doing will help bring some changes to public perception and more traditional ways of caring for children with neurological disorders. “I wanted to offer a place where parents can come because I wished that was available when I was a single mom with three kids,” Blake said. “The hope is out there because my family’s living proof. It’s easy and it doesn't have to be expensive.”
Baby Power Forever-Kids classes are open to all children, not just those with neurological disorders. The Center had a grand reopening June 12. Many classes are still open for registration. There is a $30 one time membership fee and the eight week classes range from $112 to $840. Siblings in the same class receive a 590 percent discount and Blake also offers free parent information nights.
UPDATE (October 1, 2008)
Shae Copeland continues class. He has made some remarkable strides in behavior, communication, vision and even academics (he is reading and writing)! He comes to Baby Power in the AM and goes to Public school in the PM.
We have kids coming from as far as Duval, Olympia, Anacortes for our preschool program where we get to the root causes of perplexing behaviors, help strengthen underlying systems which enables all children to reach their TRUE POTENTIAL!
Baby Power Parent/Child Classes (4 months to 4 years), drop off childcare 2—6 years
Super Kids classes: 2 preschool classes (2 years to 6 years) After school Classes, Reading & Writing Programs and a Saturday School (4yrs and up).
Blake also gives free talks, seminars, talks at conferences (Information, tools and tips) on Behavior, Learning, the Brain, Parenting, Nutrition and Child Development for all abilities, ages and stages. Blake is being asked to give talks throughout the world.
HANDLE Screenings provide a look at perplexing behaviors, why they are occurring, gives the family take home activities to work on daily to help strengthen weaken systems. Very Powerful!
Blakes 2000 sq ft facility is also a great place for parties! You can rent the whole place and every one has a great time!
Blake also sells a Miracle Potty Training Kid (potty train even the toughest kid in as little as 2 weeks!)
(Neuro, Developmental, Motor, Language and Social Delays)
Everett Herald,
July 9, 2008
by Conor Glassey
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Becky Blake took that saying to heart when she recently purchased Baby Power Forever-Kids in south Everett (607 SE Everett Mall Way), (a Movement Learning Center) offering exercise, science, cooking and sign language classes for young children and a holistic approach to treating children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism Blake knows, however, that there are “huge skeptics” to this type of approach. The Autism Society of America recognizes that there is no known cure for autism and, while it does not specifically reject using a holistic approach, it does not mention it as a possible treatment option and only mentions similar options, such as art and animal therapy as “complementary approaches.”
After working in Seattle public schools for the past six years, Blake became increasingly frustrated that she wasn’t able to implement the curriculum and activities she felt would be most effective. Blake believes in taking a holistic approach when working with children that are developmentally delayed. “These kids are so brilliant and they get put in a system that’s dumbed down and then they get bored,: Blake said. “And then they wonder why they start having behavior problems—it’s because they’re bored.”
Baby Power is a franchise and not all offer a holistic approach. “When I was looking at the
just don’t know why they’re doing them,” Blake said. Blake earned an associate degree in early childhood development and special education from Shoreline Community College. She, then, transferred to Western Washington University and completed a year of teacher training before switching her focus to human services. Now, she’s working on her master’s degree in education.
But her drive to help children with autism and other neurological disorders isn't just a new business venture. It’s also personal. Her 17-year-old son is autistic. “Everything I know is because I wanted the best for him,” Blake said. “I always hated when doctors said he would always be like this, so I started looking for a holistic approach.” That search led her to The HANDLE Institute, an organization started in Seattle that provides an alternative place for diagnosis and care of neurodevelopmental disorders. HANDLE stands for a Holistic Approach to Neuro-
Developement and Learning Efficiency. Blake is also certified HANDLE screener and parent educator.
Part of Blake’s holistic approach centers around working out the children’s vestibular system. The vestibular system is the system in the inner ear that controls our balance and equilibrium. Like muscles, the system can be strengthened by using it frequently and Blake believes the vestibular system is the foundation for other system in the body.
Blake sees a correlation between typical childrens’ activities and the rise in autism rates. “We used to go outside and play kick the can and tag and ride bikes,” Blake said. “So, we used to work out all the time. Now, kids are sitting in front of a computer or watching TV.” This is why Baby Power Forever-Kids is filled with playground equipment, tumbling mats, balls to jump in, tubes to climb through, rocking horses, hula hoops, a basketball hoop and more. Children play on the equipment, participate in stories, sing songs, pop bubbles, play musical instruments, draw or play with clay.
But this isn’t just typical place for children to run around and go wild. “Everything we do here has a purpose,” Blake said. “You can pick anything out and I can tell you the neurological reason for why it’s here and what we do with it.” Even something as simple as having the children drink water through a straw has a purpose. Blake said drinking through a straw helps develop children’s sphincter muscles throughout their body—which can help with digestion, potty training and the eye muscles needed for reading.
Blake’s program is just getting off the ground. Many of her customers come from outside Snohomish County, partly, because Blake used to work in the Seattle School District and some of her customers have followed her on her new career path.
Sabra Hernandez brings her son Gabriel up from Northgate—sometimes twice a day—to spend time with Blake. Gabriel has Fragile X Syndrome and working with Blake for the past two years has helped him progress, Hernandez said. “What I like best is that she has a highly-trained background in neural sciences,” Hernandez said of Blake. “She’s constantly helping their brains and she’s always so open to questions and is just a lovely person.”
Jody Copeland heard about Blake’s program on a message board for parents that have children with sensory processing disorder. Copeland’s son, Shae, is 3 years old and has been diagnosed with the condition. “We live in Marysville, but this was just what we were looking for for him in the summer, between schools,” Copeland said. “It’s a good place to play and have fun, but learn at the same time.”
Gloria Kruzner came up from Seattle for the session with her sons, Andrew, 4, and Charlie, 2. “We just think Becky is so warm and engaging and she’s really tuned in to every child's needs.” Kruzner said. “She’s worked with Andrew for about even months and he just seems much calmer and more in tune with the world around him, which is nice.” Andrew spent part of the day putting his imagination to use while playing with Play-Doh. “I’m making a good salad,” Andrew said as he swirled all the colors into a large ball. “I already have strawberry, lemon and orange—now I have coconut.” He added the white clay to his ball and looked for more colors to add. His salad took an interesting twist when he found brown and dark green. “There’s some chocolate and broccoli,” he said as Blake handed him back the ball of orange clay. “You made a fantastic orange and here is a potato.”
So far, Blake is enjoying the career change. “I love the kids,” Blake said. “It’s just wonderful to watch the changes and to see how much easier the parents lives become. It’s definitely very rewarding.” Blake hopes that what she’s doing will help bring some changes to public perception and more traditional ways of caring for children with neurological disorders. “I wanted to offer a place where parents can come because I wished that was available when I was a single mom with three kids,” Blake said. “The hope is out there because my family’s living proof. It’s easy and it doesn't have to be expensive.”
Baby Power Forever-Kids classes are open to all children, not just those with neurological disorders. The Center had a grand reopening June 12. Many classes are still open for registration. There is a $30 one time membership fee and the eight week classes range from $112 to $840. Siblings in the same class receive a 590 percent discount and Blake also offers free parent information nights.
UPDATE (October 1, 2008)
Shae Copeland continues class. He has made some remarkable strides in behavior, communication, vision and even academics (he is reading and writing)! He comes to Baby Power in the AM and goes to Public school in the PM.
We have kids coming from as far as Duval, Olympia, Anacortes for our preschool program where we get to the root causes of perplexing behaviors, help strengthen underlying systems which enables all children to reach their TRUE POTENTIAL!
Baby Power Parent/Child Classes (4 months to 4 years), drop off childcare 2—6 years
Super Kids classes: 2 preschool classes (2 years to 6 years) After school Classes, Reading & Writing Programs and a Saturday School (4yrs and up).
Blake also gives free talks, seminars, talks at conferences (Information, tools and tips) on Behavior, Learning, the Brain, Parenting, Nutrition and Child Development for all abilities, ages and stages. Blake is being asked to give talks throughout the world.
HANDLE Screenings provide a look at perplexing behaviors, why they are occurring, gives the family take home activities to work on daily to help strengthen weaken systems. Very Powerful!
Blakes 2000 sq ft facility is also a great place for parties! You can rent the whole place and every one has a great time!
Blake also sells a Miracle Potty Training Kid (potty train even the toughest kid in as little as 2 weeks!)
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